Adashiko Interviews: Holly Estelle

This month we chatted to one of our favourite bloggers, Holly Estelle. Known for her keen sense of style, Holly’s blog focuses on life in her thirties, encompassing lifestyle, health, beauty, and fashion.
Tell us a typical day in your life.
I work in media so as anyone in the industry would know the work day its hectic but I LOVE it. Most of my ‘me time’ is spent working on my blog and collaborating with some of my favourite fashion brands and other influencers. I love to cook but with the little free time I have each night that’s something that’s had to take a back seat! I heat up a Pitango meal for one and throw in some broccoli and chicken and ten mins later I’m done. But my favourite part of the day is getting into bed and watching my TV shows (my embarrassingly guilty pleasure is Love Island) with my candles burning and my Persian cat curled up beside me. Bliss!
What’s your favourite way to take your Adashiko?
I add it to my morning coffee at work and recently I made a Collagen boost juice which is delicious! Here is the recipe for a bit of inspiration.
What benefits have you noticed since taking Adashiko regularly?
The benefit that everyone else seems to be noticing is in my nails and hair. I am constantly questioned about my nails being fake. People turn them over expecting acrylics! They are long and strong and I can maintain the length without them splitting. I rarely break out anymore and my skin looks and feels fresh and healthy. I thank my natural skin care team for that.
Aside from Adashiko, is there anything else you are taking to support your health?
I drink lots of water at work and eat a well-balanced diet. I love Broccoli and leeks so they form the basis of most of my meals! I am also taking Raw Complexions Skin Tonic and Skin Balance.
How did you get into blogging?
I’ve been blogging for 3.5 years now. This is actually my third blog but the one that truly represents who I am and how far I have come. The lessons learnt from the previous two crafted the direction, heart and soul of Holly Estelle.
You have the most amazing personal style. How would you describe it?
Oh, thank you! I’d say my style is accessible, especially to those in their thirties. My style has changed in the last few years, especially working in media and attending events so often. I would describe it as classic, however, I love a good statement piece. I like to mix up my favourites like Zara, Witchery, H&M and Country Road with strong patterns and colours from designers like Trelise Cooper.
What’s your go-to outfit when you want to look and feel your best?
A wide leg pant, high waisted, with a loose shirt, neck scarf and a pair of “high” heels. I feel my best when I’m a little bit taller …
What’s your advice to women trying to navigate through their thirties?
There is a lot of pressure on women in their thirties, to get married, buy a house, start a family. All these milestones come with responsibility, commitment and sacrifice and it can be easy to feel a social pressure to conform. Listen to your gut and be true to your heart. When you are content, confident and happy with who you are and who you are alone, you will be better prepared for long lasting happiness.
My twenties tested my limits. Those years were full of harsh lessons, challenges, decisions, heartbreaks and of course wins. Remember to reflect back. These are valuable life lessons and will only make your thirties richer, rewarding and successful.
Surround yourself with people who build you up, contribute in their own way to making you a better person, those who challenge, enliven and hearten you.