Adashiko Heroes : Getting to know ~ Daisy Dagg

Daisy Dagg - Israel Dagg's wife

As the first in our line up of the Adashiko Heroes series , we have spoken with gorgeous Daisy Dagg. Daisy inspires us through her love of travel, food + her beautiful family. Daisy is one half of The Rugby Pantry - Rustic fare for everyday kiwis and one half of her partnership to ex-All Black the very talented Israel Dagg. Hailing from New Zealand's East Coast - sunny Gisborne - Daisy + her the Dagg family now reside in the stunning Canterbury after various places of residence supporting Israels extensive professional rugby career. 

Check out Daisys insights in our quick Q + A style interview on what she feels best in, her favourite Adashiko products to how Daisy likes to get her blood pumping!

We loved getting to know Daisy better + we hope that you do too!

Q + A 

Current Role  Mother to two, content creator (influencer)

Star Sign  Sagittarius through and through

Age  32

Daily Routine  (Currently while in lockdown)

Wake up 6-6:30am with kids


Exercise of some form

Kids morning tea/early lunch

Tils goes down for sleep

Do some activities and learning with Arlo


Tils wakes up

Takes the kids for a walk

Prep dinner


Baths for kids

Kids go down to sleep

Time for myself - Netflix and chill, read book, skin care routine, Adashiko face masque

Sleep and repeat the next day

Currently Reading 

Big Little Lies 


The Blacklist 

Listening to 


Skincare Routine

Wipe face with wash cloth

Apply a cleanser 

Apply Adashiko + Noni Gel 

Apply Adashiko Eye Cream with clear quartz spatula 

Apply Adashiko lip balm 

Must haves 

Comfy pjs 

Fluffy ugg boots 

English breakfast tea 

Adashiko face masques 

A good lippy 

Red wine 

A good book

Favourite thing to wear that makes you feel powerful , sexy , chic , like you? 

I’m a summer beach girl through and through so I’m so happy and comfortable in a summer dress and jandals (in Summer of course) but in Winter I love Winter jackets and trench coats.

Favourite Eats

To cook 

Pasta is my absolute favourite meal!  

To dine

Ooohhh this is a hard one - I absolutely love Amazonita in Christchurch.

Favourite place to visit 

Lake Waikaremoana, Gizzy (home town), Queenstown, Italy and Mexico 

People you admire in business or in general 

 Being a typical Sagittarius I find it always hard to choose one so I’m just going to say anyone who is giving it a go, working hard and just doing the best they can. 

Favourite Quote 

' Balance is key. In everything you do. Dance all night long and practice yoga the next day. Drink wine but don’t forget your green juice. Eat chocolate when your heart wants it and kale salad when your body needs it. Wear high heels on Saturday and walk barefoot on Sunday. Go shopping at the mall and then sit down and meditate in your bedroom. Live high and low. Move and stay still. Embrace all sides of who you are and live your authentic truth! Be brave and bold and spontaneous and loud and let that complement your abilities to find silence and patience and modesty and peace. Aim for balance. Make your own rules and don’t let anybody tell you how to live according to theirs. '

Rachel Brathen

Favourite way to move your body

I love playing sports - netball, tennis, water skiing etc but I also love yoga and reformer pilates or just going for a nice walk in nature. 

What brings you peace?

Organisation and people being kind to each other

We will be doing a whole load of these of these interviews with people that we love + admire - stay tuned!

Yours in health + beauty

The Adashiko Team